Holistic Therapy & Radical Transformation
for seekers on a path of emotional healing, relational intimacy,
and spiritual growth.
Welcome to A Healing Bridge.
It’s not unlikely that you’ve found us at a time when there may be an upheaval of change and transformation occurring in your life. Perhaps you are noticing this change in your body or identity, seeing it unravel in your relationships, or observing the ways that you are asking deeper questions about what is meaningful in your life, and what truly matters to you.
This psycho-spiritual change may have been catalyzed by loss or death, a challenging transition, a spiritual emergence, or coming to terms with how past trauma is impacting your life in the present. Although this process of transformation is natural and necessary, it is certainly not easy. To embark on the inner journey of discovering who you authentically are and how you wish to live your one precious life is ultimately a life-long path of courage and mystery.
In practice, this inner (and outer) work is not about “fixing” yourself. Rather, it is about connecting more intimately with your body, your wounds, your gifts, your relationships, and your wholeness. And this kind of soul-work is a slow tending, requiring commitment and patience to explore your emotional world, the desires you are carrying, the difficulties that stir within you, and the relationships that require your attention.
In a world that often feels intensely busy, stressful, and seductive with shallow ideals of quick-progress, our space of healing and discovery is oriented towards gradual change in the direction of personal awareness, embodiment, humility, relational intelligence, and loving action.
As your companions on this soul’s journey, we will walk beside you and draw forth the wisdom and power in what's hidden and what might be challenging to see and process on your own. Our support and guidance will provide a nourishing ground for awakening, where you can grow - and deepen - into who you naturally are.

We are Alyona Kobevka and Alexandre Jodun,
therapists, guides, facilitators & the co-creators of
A Healing Bridge.

Our work (individually and together) is experiential and integrative, rooted in the old wisdom practices of shamanism, whilst also steeped in contemporary philosophies and psychologies.
As psychotherapists, facilitators, and ceremonial guides, we offer a variety of online sessions and facilitate individual, couples, and group containers for working with sacred medicines in Peru.
At the heart of our work, we serve as soul-companions for dedicated men, women, and people who are walking a path towards healing, awakening, and thriving in this life.
We look forward to supporting you on your path of destiny ~

"It is a beautiful thing to sit in a workshop with these two special humans. Deeply caring, soulful, present, humble and wise, they create a safe and soulful container to explore grief in gentle and life-affirming ways. Such a gift to have found Alyona and Alexandre and I look forward to joining them in further offerings."
✾ Recover a felt-sense of safety and connection in your body and help you to grow your capacity to be present with, and process, a wide range of emotional states.
✾ Transform outdated stories, identities, and conditioning by co-creating new pathways of thinking and being that are congruent with who you are and who you are becoming.
✾ Learn to listen, value and incorporate the meaningful, subtle guidance of your body’s intuition and night-time dreams into your everyday life.
✾ Gain the practical skills to be able to lovingly welcome home and befriend the abandoned and rejected aspects of yourself, which sometimes show up as experiences of anxiety, depression, shame, and loneliness.
✾ Learn the skills to navigate interpersonal conflict with vulnerability and courage, working towards developing secure attachment and relational intimacy.
✾ Develop expanded perception, awareness, and ways of knowing beyond the rational mind that can help you with making aligned choices in your life.
✾ Cultivate genuine and deep-seated self-worth and self-compassion through practice and patience.
✾ Evolve and strengthen your relationship with the earth, nature, your ancestors, and the mystery.
✾ Integrate your difficult and beautiful spiritual/psychedelic/plant-medicine experiences into embodied wisdom that supports you to live in the here-and-now more consciously and wholeheartedly.