Don’t be fooled.
Your life was not meant
to be stuffed into a cabinet,
to be put on for show
and marketed to the world
like a flashy new
technological gadget.
Don’t be fooled.
The paths of seduction
are fruitfully abundant
in the world-wide-marketplace
of media-filled rat races,
where the roles of Soul & Wild
as teachers and guides,
have long
been made redundant.
Don’t be fooled.
The marketplace faces
will tell you to go
this way and that;
pop-chart leaders
wearing shaman’s hats,
and commodified gurus
flying on yoga mats,
insisting that you must enter
the well-lit cave
and drink another big cup
of spiritual cool-aid.
Don’t be fooled.
More wisdom is hidden
in the landscape
of night-time visions,
in the strange twitches
and somatic glitches
that sometimes drive you
to illness;
in the chilling squawk of Raven
or the moltings of caterpillar,
in ancestral encounters inside
mid-winter dreams,
in the whispers of
an evening breeze,
or in the dance
of a eucalyptus trees branches,
as you’re momentarily
brought to your knees
and forget
your human name.
When you’re bewildered
by this kind of lostness,
and finally apprenticed
to the secret workings
of your holy undoing,
you’ll hear a voice
calling you
that knows
your true name.
Shhh. Listen.
Do you hear those whispers?
© Alexandre Jodun